Dr. Abhinav Gautam Head of Department, MEA Email: hod.mea[AT]iiitbh.ac.in |
Message from Head of Department
Welcome to the Department of Mechatronics and Automation Engineering at IIIT Bhagalpur. Considering the need of multidisciplinary research, a new branch called Mechatronics Engineering has been started in the academic year 2018. Mechatronics Engineering is a unique branch of study that exists in very few universities in India and IIIT Bhagalpur is the only institute which has this undergraduate course in Bihar.
The department is currently operating with four years undergraduate B. Tech program. The total sanctioned strength of the department is 30 and likely to be increased to 60 students per session. The M. Tech and PhD program is likely to be started soon in near future. The curriculum of the four years’ undergraduate program has been designed in such a way that students should be able to design and automate a system. The syllabus of the department has been designed to provide knowledge in the areas of Mechanical design, Electrical design, Signal processing and Control, and Programming. The primary focus of our curriculum is to impart technical know-how to students, promote their problem solving skills and innovation of new technologies. The department also offers number of optional courses for providing wide spectrum of options to the students to pursue their interest and encourages students to have project based learning.
This website contains the details of academic programs and student activities carried by faculties and the students of the department of Mechatronics Engineering. If you have any query, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may contact any member including me, anytime using the details given on the website. Our department is determined to contribute in solving the challenges thrown by the industry as well as the society. Thank you!