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Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tiwari
Head of Department Humanities and Basic Science
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Email: hod.bsh[AT]
Contact No.: 91-7632995210

Message From Head of Department

The Department offers courses to the B.Tech. students based on subjects like Engineering Mathematics I, II, III, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Engineering Physics,

Professional Communication, Management in Science and Technology, Foreign Language etc. In addition, the department plans to offer Open elective courses such as Scientific Computing, Optimization Methods to the undergraduate students in their advanced stages.

The department also plans to start UG and PG courses in various subjects in Basic Science. It gives me immense pleasure to be part of this department which has potential to be not only a backbone of the technical education of the Institute, but also flourish as a hub of collaborative research between different core departments within and outside the institute.