Microprocessor and Interfacing Laboratory
This laboratory is used to provide intensive practical exposure to learn the assembly and embedded C programming systematically for the different issues of microprocessor and microcontroller. Students are extensively exposed with the interfacing of microprocessor and microcontrollers with other peripherals. The course will help to analyse, implement and understand the interfacing circuits for various applications of Microprocessor-based system. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the microprocessors and microcontrollers needed to develop the systems using it.
Lab Equipment and supporting software:
- 8085 Microprocessor Kit (Model: MPS 85-3, make: Electro Systems Associates Pvt. Ltd.)
- 8 Channel 12 Bit ADC Interface with MUX (Model: IF-8ADC12M) Elevator Interface (Model: IF-ELV)
- Stepper Motor Interface with Stepper Motor (3Kgcm) & Power Adapter (Model: IF-STEP)
- 6-digit, 7-Segment Display with Calculator KBD Interface (Model: IF-KBD-DISP)
- ATMEL 8051 Development Board (STL009V2.0)
- ATMEL 8051 AVR USB ISP Programmer (STL011V2.3)
- Analog to Digital Breakout Module (ADC0809)
- USB to Serial Converter (RS232 to Port DB9 Pin Cable Adapter)
- 200 MHz 4-channel Oscilloscope (Model: SDS 2204X, Make: Siglent)
- 16×2 Liquid Crystal Display (JHD162A)
- Traffic Lights Interface (Model: IF-TRL)
- 4-Digit, 7-Segment LED Display Interface (Model: IF-DIS)
- Elevator Interface (Model: IF-ELV)
- Keil µVision® ID
Course Outcome:
On completion of this lab course the students will be able to:
a. Learn to implement software and hardware delay.
b. Learn to generate pulse width modulated pulse of specified frequency and duty cycle.
c. Interface various I/O peripherals.
d. Learn to acquire data using 8-bit A/D converter.
e. Learn to manipulate various devices as per need and requirements
.Faculty In-charge: Dr. Suraj
Email: suraj.ece[AT]iiitbh.ac.in
Technical Assistant: Mr. Kumar Sheelvardhan
Email: ksheelvardhan.ece[AT]iiitbh.ac.in