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Antenna & Microwave Engineering Laboratory

The Microwave Lab supports intermediate and advanced courses in Electromagnetics and Microwave Engineering. Students experiment with transmission line propagation, antennas and microwave circuit components. The microwave laboratories provide the necessary hardware & software support for training the students in the area of RF and Microwave Engineering. It offers design, analysis and simulation of various components and devices to understand the basics of RF and microwave engineering, to boost the quality of engineering education, deepen understanding, and provide the necessary practical skills to young mind.

Course Description & Objectives:
The lab course will give practical exposure to students to understand the basic principles and advanced applications of Microwave Engineering by learning characteristics of Microwave components. To gain practical hands-on experience the students are exposed to various microwave components (understand and Analyze Waveguides and Microwave bench).

Course outcomes:
On completion of this lab course the students will be able to:
a. Understand various parameters of the waveguide and the use of components as per their applications.
b. Able to handle microwave equipment.
c. Analysis and study characteristics of microwave tube Generators and Amplifiers.
d. Understand microwave measurements.
e. Analyze and find applications and limitations of microwave tube Generators and Amplifiers.
e. Understand the different aspects of antenna simulation, fabrication, and its measurements.
f. Able to find various applications of microwave engineering in a specific area.

Lab Equipment and supporting software: -

  • Microwave Training Kit (Klystron Based)
  • Microwave Training Kit (Gunn Based)
  • Microwave Training Lab
  • 3D 0.3GHz-3.8GHz Antenna Training Lab
  • 4 GHz MIC Training Lab
Faculty In-Charge: Dr. Prakash Ranjan
Email ID: pranjan.ece[AT]

JTS: Mr.Kumar Sheelvardhan and Mr. Rajan Kumar